Saturday, June 6, 2015

A fitting start

As part of my practice there is a journal I maintain. In it I document anything and everything I feel towards the end of my spiritual session. Let it be the struggle I had in clearing my mind, or the state of utter silence which made the hour go by so fast I did not even realize I had started meditating. While looking through a good account to share, it seemed appropriate to start with a private conversation I had with a non "abhyasi" (one who practices in Sanskrit). It was very fitting that we spoke about the mission and what it entails. Meditation is so prominent these days everyone has their own perception of how you practice and there is often a common misconception of "never having time". Ofcourse this often comes with a notion that you will have to take time out of your daily life to find a center that is far away. It is at that moment that I spoke passionately about the practice and immediately mentioned what it has meant to me.  

It is that conversation that let me to create this blog as there are so many things that I wish I talked about. One thing to note about "meditation" is that it is your ability to find the inner peace in you and one needs to willing to put in the work for themself. Inorder to do that you have to be initiated into the system, followed by weekly individual sittings weekly by a local preceptor (locally chosen to aid your practice) and a group Satsangh on Sundays. There is is plenty of guidance to get started and sustain your commitment to the practice. The goal is to work at your own pace and getting to a point where the "practice" becomes a normal part of your life; something you do naturally like taking a shower or eating food. The virtues are self evident in every aspect of your life and that is why you want to regularly practice. Remember you do the practice in the form that was prescribed to you and you will be sure to reap the benefits.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Inception of an idea

I am sure most of you have seen the move "Inception". The idea of going into someone's subconscious to plant an idea seemed ingenious and just another make-believe Hollywood idea. But when I look at my introduction to Sahaj Marg, the idea was first put in my mind back in 1997 in Israel. I thought it was just another evening where my father (an Indian diplomat) was attending to some dignitaries in our living room. This day was different as I had the privilege of speaking to Master himself without knowing his presence in my life. Naturally I was too young to get initiated in the mission but it was his blessings that served as the watchful eyes for me to successfully complete up studies in the US.

The idea that was once introduced to me in my living room became a reality as I was able to start my practice under Master's guidance at his ashram in Manapakkam, Chennai. 13 years later as I continue to soak the divine knowledge around me I want to reach out to others who might want to learn about the mission. The blog serves just this purpose as I look to provide my personal accounts and challenges along the way.